Tuesday, July 22, 2008


More Progress (7/7/2008)

Done a lot of prep work in the past week -

1) Cleaned up and painted the transmission crossmember, and modified it with a couple of holes drilled through so I can tighten the crossmember to the transmission without dislocating my arm. This is a commonly-done mod.

2) Cleaned up the engine restraint rod and bracket. Amazing how much grease and grime collected on these parts! Also replaced the rubber bushings.

3) Cleaned up the transmission housing, it was REALLY grimy and greasy. It cleaned up pretty well, I used several plastic scrapers and then Simple Green. It looks like it may have actually been painted black at some point (mainly the bell housing) which is strange, as I always thought the transmission was left unpainted aluminum.

4) Removed, cleaned up and repainted the rear engine mount brackets. The rubber bushings and the pin were replaced, as were the actual rear engine mounts. Took a little bit to get the bushings into the bracket holes - about 30 minutes of pulling, pushing, vising and yes - swearing! - to get them through the holes.

5) Replaced the passenger-side front engine mount.

Pretty much all that is left is the driver's side engine mount - the one with the steering shaft going right through it! After trying several wrenches (including some recommended bicycle wrenches that are very flat) I felt like the bolt may have started to 'round' a bit, so I decided to remove the steering rack to get to it, as is usually done. I am hoping that I can simply remove the steering shaft at the front/bottom of the rack and slide it through the housing.

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