Monday, August 18, 2008



I installed the new carb plug and seal - I was able to do it without removing the carb, thankfully, as 3 of the 4 carb nuts are a real PITA to get to..... Moss is shipping the new one out today, so I should have it before the end of the week. The old plug was really stained, probably from sitting for over a year. New one is nice and tight, and doesn't leak.

The hose is still weeping, and is to the point where it is now dripping slightly. In spite of that I decided to see if it would start. So, roll the van up to the garage door, hook up the battery and the parking lights all come on again! Must have a wire crossed somewhere - well, least of my worries now.

So wait while the fuel pump ticks away and the fuel filter fills up a bit. Then unhook the coil and turn it over to build up some oil pressure.... Turns over great, so I got the starter wiring correct ;-) Turn it over a bit more and the cable on the battery negative post lets go and sparks are a-flyin'! No damage, though, so I hook it back on and keep turning the engine over a few seconds at a time. No oil pressure, though. Turn it over a little more and am REALLY tempted to hook that coil wire back up and see what happens. But I decide to shut everything down and check for a missed connection to the oil gauge. Far as I can tell, there is only one, the oil pressure line, and that is hooked up. Oh well, back to the Yahoo group.....

Oh, and I discovered the problem with the parking lights! After I unhooked the jumper cables and removed the key, the lights were still on! So, before I started looking for crossed wires, I did the thing I should have done the first time I noticed this 2 weeks ago - checked the light switch! Yup, it was turned on to the parking light position....................

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